M4L Day 24 presents:

Mustang Market (Food Pantry)

Fundraiser image


raised by 34 people

$2,500 goal

About This Fund

During the spring semester, students enrolled in the PR Cases and Campaigns course have been conducting a campaign to support the Mustang Market, SMSU’s on-campus food and resource pantry. This public relations capstone course enrolls nine students who have been learning each step of the campaign process. Led by Professor Julie Walker, the class walks through the stages of planning and execution, including researching issues, determining goals, implementing strategies, and evaluating results. This semester, these students have been collaborating with SMSU’s Mustang Market and will later connect with businesses and nonprofits in the community to learn hands-on.

The Mustang Market provides students with basic needs like non-perishable foods and personal hygiene products. The market is available to all SMSU students once a month, aiming to reduce food insecurity and improve academic success. In their research, the class found that few students knew about the market and that community members were looking for ways to help. The class divided themselves into two groups to address these concerns. One group designed a campaign to increase students’ awareness of the market and decrease the stigma surrounding food pantries. The second group focused on improving supporter communication, seeking to clarify how people can help the market and ensure its sustainability into the next year.

The students in this course have greatly enjoyed working with the Mustang Market and look forward to extending their reach to the Marshall community this semester.

If this fund reaches $1,500 on M4L, a match of $1,000 will be unlocked, covering the costs of the mustang market for more than one month!

Giving Activity


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